Pattern generation rate (ms):
Defines the interval (ms) between each tick
Pattern max change per tick (%):
Defines maximum intensity change per tick, the lower this setting, the smoother, but some highs or lows might not be achieved
Rescale intensity by defining a target minimum and maximum:
Target minimum (%):
Target maximum (%):
Intensity: Ideal for vibes and hismith. Calculates the intensity based on the speed and positional changes of the funscript.
Smooth: Smoothes the pattern
Inverse: Makes the highs into lows and the lows in to highs (100 - pos)
Dual Channel alternating: Moves the highs onto Channel A and the lows onto Channel B; 100% is 100 on A, 0 on B, 50% is 0% on both, and 0% is 100% B
Dual Channel smoothes & alternating: smoothes & alternates over the channels
Dual Channel smoothes: smoothes over 2 channels